Founders Campaign
- Adolph Coors Company
- Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
- American Express Company
- Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.
- AT&T
- Baxter International, Inc.
- Bechtel Group, Inc.
- BellSouth Corporation
- The Boeing Company
- Caterpillar, Inc.
- Chrysler Corporation
- Citicorp/Citibank
- Corning Incorporated
- Digital Equipment Corporation
- Daimler Chrysler Corporation
- The Dow Chemical Company
- Eastman Kodak Company
- E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company
- Exxon Corporation
- Federal Express Corporation
- Florida Power & Light Company
- Ford Motor Company
- General Dynamics Corporation
- General Electric Foundation
- General Motors Corporation
- The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
- Hewlett-Packard Company
- Honeywell, Inc.
- IBM Corporation
- Johnson & Johnson
- Kraft, Inc.
- Lockheed Corporation
- Marriott Corporation
- McDonnell Douglas Corporation
- Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
- Milliken & Company
- 3M
- Motorola, Inc.
- Northrop Corporation
- NYNEX Corporation
- The Proctor & Gamble Company
- RJR Nabisco, Inc
- Rockwell International
- Ryder System, Inc.
- Sears, Roebuck & Company
- Shell Oil Company
- Texas Instruments, Inc.
- TRW Foundation
- United Technologies
- USX Corporation
- Westinghous Electric Corporation
- Xerox Corporation