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Presenting a Webinar with Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center: Becoming the Best at Getting Better: Expanding a Team-Centric Culture of Performance Excellence

Becoming the Best at Getting Better: Expanding a Team-Centric Culture of Performance Excellence

Join us on October 26, 2023 as we host a webinar featuring The Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center and its efforts to establish training based on their Team Performance and Execution Framework.

Since 2020 the leadership team at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center’s University Hospital, Ross Heart Hospital, and Brain & Spine Hospital have continued our journey toward performance excellence by building a foundation of a team-based culture. Believing this team-based culture would be integral to creating high-performing teams and achieving world-class outcomes, the leadership team created a framework which included a cascading leadership communication model, operational excellence training and team-based coaching. By January 2023, a robust team-based training program had been created which would serve as the cultural and structural foundation for the significant changes in hospital operations necessary to reach top-performing quality and patient-centered care goals. Given the positive initial impact, the leadership team has now taken the next step in building a formal, multi-faceted Team Performance and Execution framework, delivering formal and informal training, relationship-building, and faculty and staff engagement resources to more than 200 faculty and staff at all levels of leadership across the hospitals. The presenters will share their program and their journey towards an aligned and accountable health care team, highlight strategies for building a team performance program, and cite examples of the results of the work at their institution to date.

Click this link for more information and to register for this webinar.