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How You or Your Estate Can Advance the Baldrige Mission

More than thirty years of experience with Baldrige has generated substantial data to support the claim that Baldrige organizations outperform peer organizations that do not use Baldrige.

Baldrige-based manufacturers make fewer faulty products. Hospitals provide better care to more people and are saving lives. In Baldrige schools our students perform better, stay in school longer, and teachers are happier. Baldrige offers the ability to mend our broken communities and protect our critical cyber infrastructure. The evidence also shows that Baldrige organizations achieve these outcomes at lower cost.

If this message resonates with you, planned giving can be for you.

Simply decide when you would like to give and how much you would like to give. Download our Giving Guide and decide which type of giving best meets your needs. You may also contact the Baldrige Foundation at for more information or to plan your gift.

In all cases, please also consult with your own legal or tax adviser. The Foundation does not provide legal or tax advice.