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Now Accepting 2025 Baldrige Foundation Leadership Awards Nominations

The Foundation’s Awards Program began in 2013 with the presentation of the first Harry S. Hertz Leadership Award at the 25th Anniversary of the Baldrige Quest for Excellence Conference®. Since the Program’s inception, three additional award categories have been established: the E. David Spong Lifetime Achievement Award, the Baldrige Foundation Awards for Leadership Excellence, which recognize leadership excellence within each of the Baldrige Sectors: Business (Manufacturing, Service, Small Business) Non-profit, Government, Healthcare, Education, Cybersecurity and Community, and the Dr. Curt Reimann Baldrige Scholarship.

The nomination window for 2025 ends on September 30, 2024. If you know someone deserving of recognition, please complete the nomination application contained in the Awards Program Submission and Nomination Packet below. The Foundation Board of Directors will recognize the 2025 recipients at the 36th Quest for Excellence(R) Conference, Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, 700 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 21202, on April 1st, 2025.

For more information, including the application form, please click here.