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Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Values

PURPOSE of the Baldrige Foundation: Continuously improve quality of life.

MISSION of the Baldrige Foundation: Ensure the long-term financial growth and viability of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, and to support organizational performance excellence in the United States and throughout the world.

VISION of the Baldrige Foundation: We will be recognized around the world as the premier foundation for the promotion of performance excellence in all sectors of the economy.  We will inspire organizations to achieve excellence in all they do with pride and societal responsibility.  Together with our stakeholders we will create value through research and deployment of the latest cutting-edge management practices.  We will focus on the future and manage for agility, innovation, and creativity.  

VALUES of the Baldrige Foundation:

* Unwavering Commitment to Continuous Improvement and Organizational Performance Excellence

* Stewardship - accountability above reproach

* Trust - through teamwork, open communication, and transparency

* Visionary Leadership - focused on results and creating value